For marriage-oriented, high-caliber, and successful men and women in their 20s, 30s and 40s, finding the right relationship for the long term can be very frustrating and emotionally draining.  Singles are often stressed about how to find the person and dread the idea of ending up alone. Perhaps you’re fed up with online dating apps, you’ve wasted time getting involved with the wrong person, or you’ve spent years focusing on your career and don’t know where to start when focusing on finding your partner.

Matchmaking: How We Can Help

Our Matchmaking service is perfect for busy professionals who know what they want, but don’t know where to find it - or don’t have the time or patience to complete that search themselves! We work with high caliber, Boston area singles, who struggle to find a compatible partner. We’ll match you with someone who meets your criteria, arrange the date, and check in with both individuals after.

Join Our Matchmaking Database

When you opt to be part of our Matchmaking Database, you’ll complete a comprehensive questionnaire to tell us about yourself and who you’re looking for. Once we know more about you, you’ll be prioritized over other singles to meet those we’re working with. We’ll reach out if you’re a match for one of our clients, Those in our database receive exclusive invitations to private events, and are offered complimentary tickets to events when space permits.

Full Service Matchmaking

The first step to our Matchmaking service is getting to know you with a consultation - it’s our first date! We’ll learn more about you and who you are looking for, and together we’ll decide if we should work together. First, you’ll complete our matchmaking database questionnaire so that we can learn more about you, and who you are looking for. Once we receive your answers back, we’ll sent up a private, in depth video meeting to review your responses.

Are we a match? If we decide to work together, you’ll select the number of dates you’d like us arrange for you.

Ready to date? Once we know who is right for you, our search begins. Our entire team is local, and everyone we introduce you to will have met at least one of us. If we believe we found a match, we’ll alert you and with your approval you’ll provide your availability. We’ll coordinate the date (unless you have something in mind), make the reservation if needed, and pass along your first name.

You’re able to pass on matches we present to you as often as you’d like, however the service is intended to last 6 months. If you agree to a date, then it’s a date!

Would you like us to kick off your service with a cocktail party where we introduce you to 8-10 potential matches? We’d love to! Not only are these events enjoyed by attendees, we’re able to get a glimpse of who you interact with the best, who you have chemistry with, and who may be more interesting on paper for you than in real life. So when are you free?

Personalized matchmaking includes up to 12 dates over a 6 month period. Prices depends on the number of dates and your criteria. Up to 1 year of “hold time” may be placed on your contract so that you may explore a relationship without losing our services.

Frequently Asked Questions - All Services

How do I get added to your Matchmaking database?

After attending an event, if you’ve opted to be in our matchmaking database we’ll send you the link to our matchmaking questionnaire. This gives us the opportunity to meet you in person and see who you were or were not interested in at the event.. While you might not meet a matchmaker at your event, our hosts are on the look out for those that may be compatible for a Full Service client, and take note of who isn’t a good candidate to represent the service we provide.

What if I can’t behave like a respectful adult? 
Shame on us for not picking up on your rudeness when we met you. Just like no-shows, we have no tolerance for poor behavior - and we take the feedback we receive very seriously. At our events inappropriate behavior gets you a walk to the door, and a ban from future events and services. With our coaching and matchmaking, any behavior deemed inappropriate forfeits the remainder of our agreement, no refunds. We run background checks on all potential matchmaking dates. Hint: If you were actually looking for this question in relation to yourself (and not who you could be matched with) you probably aren’t a great fit.

Do you ever offer a discount?

Full service matchmaking is never discounted. But we’re also not going to reduce our efforts for those we work with or match you with just anyone to satisfy a date quantity. Those in our database may be offered complimentary events when comparable with attendees.

What is your event refund policy?

Contact us 7 days before the event begins and we’ll refund you, no questions asked. If you don’t want to lose the ticket processing fee, we are happy to transfer you to another event. Need to cancel after the refund period? Still contact us! We want balance in the room and will do our best to fill your seat. When you don’t ghost your dates (or us!) we can give you a credit towards a different event once your spot is filled.

Frequently Asked Questions - Consultations

Why do I need a consultation? What if I’m ready to get started?

We want to make sure we’re aligned before you invest your money and we invest our time. Gone is the wait list we were managing in 2022, and in it’s place we may ask someone to choose a smaller quantity of dates or pass because we know the needs of your search is beyond our scope.

For the clients we take on, we intend to provide quality connections, not just fulfill a package quota. To accomplish the level of service we stand by, and at the price point it is offered at, we need a filter to prevent those that are not aligned with our capabilities from signing up for large packages.

What is the chance you’ll pass on me?

Low, if you are a Greater Boston area professional. Our 3 declines in 2023 were 1.) a woman in VT (we have a small reach south of MA, but zilch north or west) and 2.) A 52 year old male looking for women in their 20s with a particular aesthetic that we weren’t excited about taking on. 3.) Someone who wanted a discount on our service fee

If you pass, is there a refund?

No. You’ll have the option to stay in our database.

Frequently Asked Questions - Matchmaking

What’s the difference between you and the larger/national companies with similar options/pricing?

  • Unlike our national competitors, we’re local. The “boots on the ground” makes a big difference. It’s not just about an algorithm and the right boxes checked off on a questionnaire, it’s about the vibe you get when meeting someone in person.

  • We take the time for individual meetings, and match clients only with those we’ve met.

  • Our packages also have checkpoints where you can request partial refunds.

  • We’re also not looking to get hundreds to sign up for our service with flash sales. We do want hundreds to sign up for our free database when we email event attendees, because we’re not going to match those in the matchmaking program with just anyone. Discounted services yield discounted results.

How do I know I’ll be matched with people that are my “type”?

We don’t set you up on dates with just anyone! After reserving a consultation we’ll send you a questionnaire - the more info you give us, the better. We know you’re excited to get started, but really, please take your time and give us complete answers. After a call to review, we’ll begin our search and we’ll reach out when we’ve found someone. We’ll give you a brief summary and - this is where we are different from other similar options - you decide if you want a date. If you say “yes” we’ll arrange the date and it counts as part of your package. If you say “no” we’ll get back to the search.

Are events included?
Included with our Matchmaking and Coaching services is the ability to attend our speed dating and mingle events at no additional charge to you. We also organize private gatherings exclusive to our matchmaking clients, which allow us to invite guests to meet you in more relaxed setting.

If you’ve opted for Full Service Matchmaking, you may attend 1 event per month, for the duration of our work together. Those who’ve opted to “Skip The Line” receive one event each month of their choice, for 3 months, along with invitations to private gatherings if we believe you’re a match for one of our clients that has opted to have one.

Attending events is also an opportunity for us to get to know you and your preferences better. We will get to see how you carry yourself and see who is drawn to you. We’ll also see who you’ve checked off as a “yes” so we have real examples of who piques your interest. Your matchmaker may not be hosting that night, but behind the scenes we work as a team.

Will you host an exclusive cocktail hour for me? How can I get an invitation to one?

We’d love to, these events are so fun to organize and host!! We host them for our full service matchmaking clients, often with 2-3 guests of honor to take the pressure off and give us more introductions. Simply opt in when you enroll, and we’ll aim to kick off your service with a cocktail hour!

You’ll be invited if we think you align with our client and want you to meet. Priority is given to those who opt “Skip The Line”, and if we’re still looking we’ll explore our database or even approach someone we’ve just met at an event.

What information is shared with my match prior to our arranged date?
After we discuss the potential match with both daters, a day, time, and date is arranged by our team and passed along to each dater along with their first name and notes on how to recognize them. Contact information is not exchanged, however you’ll both be able to get in touch with our team if you can’t find each other.

Do you run background checks?
Safety first. Every dater you meet has either met with our team and/or has attended one of our events. We also run background checks on both daters before making introductions. Dates are arranged at venues we know (unless you choose otherwise), so we can anticipate the experience you’ll have. We feel this creates a relaxed atmosphere so that you may focus on what’s important - the person you’re meeting for the very first time!

What happens during the date? Can I reach you?

Your date doesn’t need to be dinner - in fact we have several date ideas that are under an hour and allow you to get to know each other. After you’ve enjoyed what we’ve planned, you can keep the evening (or afternoon) going with what you decide, exchange contact info if you’re inclined, or have us do the follow up. Having us do the follow up is helpful if you’re unsure of how the other feels, or if you need help with a polite exit.

Can’t find your date? We’ll be available at the start of your date to give them a ring and help you find each other.

I loved the service, but didn’t find my love. Can I enroll again for more dates?

Our goal is for you to love the experience AND find your love, but if you seek additional dates, our service cost is reduced since we’ve already gotten to know you.

Can you help me find a date for a specific event?

Do you have tickets to a show, and no one to take? Is there a gala on your calendar that you positively must bring a plus one, but don’t have time to find one? If you’ve already enrolled in our matchmaking service, please let us have the fun finding your date for the evening! Just give us all of the details and let us take it from there.

Are you a complete stranger that we’ve never met, or someone just in town for the weekend? Nope, sorry, that seems a little too R rated for our style.

Why is the investment with Boston Single Mingle less than that with other Boston area services?
We meet hundreds of singles each month at the events we host, and meet them in person to decide if they’d be someone to match with our clients. Meeting someone in person gives us a better idea of who they are rather than DMing on apps all day. The variety of events we host allows us to meet professionals in a wide variety of demographics. Our team has extensive networks they can leverage to expand on their search.

We’ve developed a process that is as efficient as it is valuable. Clients are given the opportunity to say “no” to a potential date before we arrange it, increasing the chance of a connection when we get a “yes” and providing an experience that meets our standards. A great experience means a great reputation and very little spent on marketing. (P.S.: not all services allow you to pass on a match)

We’re also not the cheapest - we put time and effort into identifying matches and confirming similar interests and important traits. We’re more interested in finding someone that is a great date for you than racing to satisfy your package quantity. The delivery of the lower cost options may be more of what you are looking for, and that’s ok too.

Those that would like us to consider them as a potential match should say hello at an event or purchase the Skip The Line package.

What happens if I do not show up for my date?
If you do not show up for a confirmed date without advance notification, you will forfeit the remainder of your matchmaking service. The person you were about to meet has invested time and energy into meeting you, and deserves your respect.

With proper notice, we will reschedule your date. We understand that emergencies happen and people get sick, however we expect our clients to be considerate of each other - you deserve it!

Do I have to go on one of the date ideas you suggest?
You are free to choose any restaurant, venue or event you wish for your date. Let us know what you’re planning so we may pass along the details on to your date. Our fully planned dates are always options available to you - they take the “work” out of it, are thought out, and are within the time limit we feel is enough to see if there is that spark. We’d be delighted to plan your date for you, with consideration of both your interests, and also keeping in mind that someone may feel more comfortable meeting a match where a trusted 3rd party has all of the details.

What is the age range? What if I’ve been married?
We’ve worked with professionals ages 24-62! Young professionals, established professionals, those that haven’t found “the one”, and those that are stepping out again. If you’re divorced, we know that dating again can be challenging, and are here to help. If you’re still in a relationship (or your partner thinks you are), we’re not the place for you.